Glad to meet you! My name is John Garruto and I'm 30 (ack!) years old. I am currently living in Oswego, NY and working as a full time school psychologist. (Click here to see my webpage!)
On September 4th, Denise and I were wed! More
pictures and information to come.
On December 13, 2004, I became engaged to my fiancée, Denise Mero. A September 4th wedding is planned.
I was born August 26, 1973 in Binghamton,
NY. On March 12, 1975, my little
brother Russell was born. My little sister, Michelle, was born on February
12, 1980.
I spent my elementary school years at Blessed Sacrament Elementary School in Johnson City, NY (1978-1983). This was a small elementary school, only requiring one-two teachers per grade level. My experience was unique in that I was exposed to "team teaching" since first grade. This model is where you go to different teachers for different disciplines. Most students are not exposed to this until Middle School. Unfortunately, due to under enrollment, this school closed its doors in 2003.
Upon finishing fourth grade, I then attended middle school at Saint James Middle School, also in Johnson City, NY. Middle School was not a fun time for me (I'm not sure it's a fun time for anyone), but always appreciated the focus they placed on rigorous academics. I attended Saint James from 1983-1987.
I finished middle school and then decided to attend a public school for my remaining years (okay so it was decided for me.) I attended Johnson City Senior High School from 1987-1991. It was in high school that I made some of my best friends (such as Darren and Jason) who are still close friends to this date.
In fall of 1991, I attended college at The State University of New York College at Oswego (SUNY Oswego). I had made many friends (see associated links) and joined many activities. I worked on the "Ontarian" yearbook (as a photographer, copy editor, and yearbook co-editor-in-chief), tutor, peer advisor, and teaching assistant. I received my Bachelor of Arts degree in 1995. While planning to be a counselor for most of my undergraduate career, I changed my mind after hearing from a guest speaker (Angela Voninski, whom I still work with today) about the field of school psychology. I decided to also pursue my graduate studies at SUNY Oswego. I received my Master of Science degree in August of 1997.
My first job was in Oswego, NY, as a substitute school psychologist, working in two elementary schools. Unfortunately, when the year was over, there were no positions so was forced to look elsewhere for work. During the 1998-1999 school year, I worked as a school psychologist for the LaFayette Jr./Sr. high School (grades 7-12) as well as the Committee on Special Education Chairperson (grades K-12) for the entire LaFayette Central School District. That job had lasted for one year. In the spring of 1999, I had the good fortune of discovering a vacancy in Oswego again. I was successful at getting the job and am working at Leighton Elementary School. I have worked at Leighton for three and a half years.
For fun, I enjoy reading (my favorite authors are James Joyce and Douglas
Adams), writing, walking, and working with others. You may want to view my
past columns on my friend Jeff's e-zine "Delusions of Adequacy".
I have retired from writing my column, but past articles are on there in the
archive under "Profound Rambling Thoughts." My
favorite music artists are Genesis, Rush, and Oasis. My long term goal is to get
my doctoral degree, but am not certain in which discipline yet.